Towards a Flexible Spine - 10/30 1-3:30Learn kinesiology and function of the spine, as well as the basic anatomy, through sensing, looking, exploring, and listening. Then, through movement, expand your awareness of how you use your spine, and use the process to improve your alignment, posture, and sense of ease. Sit better, stand better, breathe better. Hybrid - online or in person at The Yoga Tree in Fremont (Seattle) Towards a Comfortable Seat - 12/4 1-3:30Often when we sit for long periods of time, we experience discomfort in our low backs, necks, hips-- or we have difficulty standing up after sitting. Sometimes we are unable to find a comfortable seat at all. Whether looking for an easier seat for meditation or for yoga, or searching for some ease at work, you'll find a start in this grounding workshop. The Yoga Tree - Home Restorative Yoga Teacher Training 11/11, 12, 13We have room for a couple more people in this trauma informed training. Jodi and I deeply value the practice of Restorative Yoga, and love teaching teachers. This practice is deeply needed, and is powerful to offer in groups or individually. Even when working with manual therapy clients, I find that the propping continues to be something I use with my clients. As a practitioner, Restorative Yoga has helped me balance the business that I tend towards. Quiet, restful, and meditative, Restorative Yoga has been an invaluable healing modality for me, and for my clients and students. An added workshop on 11/17 is included and will address teaching restorative yoga online. Weekly Restorative Yoga ClassesJodi Boone and I are teaching Thursday nights at 7:15pm. Jodi in-person, and I'm teaching online. We'd love to see you all! Register through Mind Body app, or at The Yoga Tree - Home Drop-in Awareness Through Movement Class
10/19 and 10/23 will be quieter lessons organized around the pelvis, and how moving the pelvis influences everything else. We'll work with asymmetries and anatomical specificity, as well as some mindfulness cuing. In the later classes, we'll work with the pelvis, spine, and neck. Some lessons will be quiet, others will be more active. Some lying, some seated and lying, some possibly on hands and knees as well. Classes end 11/27, and will begin again next year Chair Yoga Training in January!Chair Yoga Teacher Training
With Jodi Boone and Heather Emanuel - Restorative Yoga Institute January 28-29, 2023 12-5 pm both days, at The Yoga Tree $495 (includes extensive manual) Space limited!
In this lesson we clarify the location and movement of the hip joints and find more availability in the ankles, and participation in the low ribs, sternum, and upper chest. Now, of course, that means that the primary place of focus in the hip joints is only the beginning, and learning to facilitate the movement in the hips by softening the rest of you can transform your walking, sitting, and general sense of well-being.
Sunday's recording is a little different. We spend more time on some of the stranger movements at the end. A movement process for youHere is an approximately 20 minute, side-lying process for improving pretty much anything. Ease in the shoulder and neck, ease in the hip and back, improved walking and twisting, improved sense of length and breathing. Remember, improvement happens because you work in your range of comfort, and continually think, where can I soften to make this movement smoother, clearer? Can I breathe more simply, or soften in the hip joints? Scan either seated, or lying down, and then the movements are side-lying. I offer you the option to pause the video and then do the other side. If you are addressing chronic pain, it is nice to do both sides--calming. However, you may feel free to stick with one side, and see what happens. If you do this, I recommend also paying attention to what is happening where you make contact with the floor or mat. |
AuthorHeather Emanuel, is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Method® Practitioner, Assistant Trainer, LMT, and Awareness Through Movement® facilitator. She also teaches Restorative Yoga. Free and subscription classes also are on PATREON.
As an artist, she has won accolades for her playful portraits. These days, she's pouring her creativity into her Feldenkrais work. Just as her art explores expression, playfulness, identity, and the possible, so do her movement sessions. Her art CV is here. Recorded classes on Patreon for free or a small subscription. Archives
January 2024