Today's lesson is a balancing of the muscles that fold us, and the muscles that hold us up - in other words, we are organizing, discerning, and coordinating the muscles along the spine. That being said, many things happen: the diaphragm is addressed in relation to folding and twisting. In twisting, there are elements of side bending, of curling, and of backbending, so it is a lovely way to actually lower the unnecessary work along the spine.
Did you feel taller? Did your head feel on differently? Did you find more freedom in your thoracic spine and did that impact your ability to twist and to roll your head? This lesson is now on Patreon "The Nervous System is self-organizing, which means that it does not need to be corrected, but rather fed lots of different options. So it can organize well. So we can organize well. And we do that by sensing the differences and by trying many many ways...."
Use the introductory time to settle (it takes a while to settle into the floor). We are process oriented, being here in a resourceful way.... Use this time on the floor to clarify your self-image, be with yourself gently, and approach your learning as a kind and supportive teacher for yourself. |
HOW-TORecorded at public classes, All audio classes are now on Patreon. Please read the HOW-TO before doing a lesson. Archives
April 2024